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Contributors List

We are deeply grateful for the support of the following volunteers from Youth, Rights & Justice, Nike and Baker McKenzie who were each essential in creating the Homeless Youth Handbook - Oregon. 

Our thanks is further extended to the many legal experts throughout Oregon who were essential to producing the content in this Handbook. An added note of deep gratitude to Amy Miller, former Executive Director at Youth, Rights & Justice for her leadership in spearheading the direction and expert level review of the content of this Handbook. Additional thanks to the volunteers from Intel Corporation who contributed their pro bono work to this Handbook.

We are proud to share that the work product resulting in the Homeless Youth Handbook - Oregon is the culmination of thousands of pro bono volunteer hours contributed from upwards of 90 volunteers.


Aaron Goodman

Eryn Potempa

Lauren Moser

Ping Chu


Abigail Smith

Hilary Krane

Leah Brecunier

Rebecca Chang


Alex Bodnar

Jack Schecter

Leah Kling

Rebecca Thompson


Alex Vantaggiato

Janel Brynda

Lothar Determann

Renata Thorgersen


Alexander Matthews

Jason Graham

Madeline Zamoyski

Rick Boyd


Alexandra Rickart

Jason Law

Maia Garner

Rizza Mcwhorter


Alyssa Tool

Jen Baek

Mallory Craig-Karim

Rodney Pratt


Amanda Kinney

Jenna Kalashyan

M'Alyssa Mecenas

Scott Huber


Amy Miller

Jenny Driggars

Margo Fowler

Scott Meselson


Andrew Ligon

Jeremy DeLibero

Matt McCarthy

Sebastien Nicolas


Ann Miller

Jeremy Poore

Meagan Smith

Subatra Thiruchittapalam


Barrett Cortez

Jill Kakehi

Michael Han

Sue Marineau


Bill Berner

Jimmy Lucas

Michael Haynes

Suzanne Landoni


Billie Wenter

John Roman

Mike Labbee

Tara Schaffner


Blake Dantzler

Jonathan Juilfs

Mikell Desmond

Tina Maria Kassouf


Blake Martin

Joy Williamson

Mimi Hunter

Tommy Chau


Brian Fogarty

Karen Grending

Naoko Watanabe

Tony Lim


Brook Mestre

Kat Robison

Natalie Wolfe

Veronika Nemeth


Bryan Koorstad

Kathrine Vidnes

Natasha Dobrioglo



Caitlin Bellum

Kerry Jantzi

Nicole Calabro



Catherine Vo-Nguyen

Kris Still

Olivia Anderson



Collin McGee

Kristen Downer

Paula Larracas



Damir Demirovic

Kristy Panchal

Paula Sarti



Dee Olowude

Laura Rizza

Penny Oleszczuk



Erik Opsahl


Per Enfield