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We are deeply grateful for the support of the following volunteers from Bay Area Legal, Tipping Point Community, Google, and Baker McKenzie who were essential in creating the Homeless Youth Handbook - California. Our gratitude is also extended to the many public interest law experts throughout California who were essential to producing the content in this Handbook.  Those experts include individuals from: ACLU of Southern California, Alliance for Children's Rights, Bay Area Legal Aid, Bay Area Legal Aid Youth Justice Project, Bay Area Legal Aid Consumer Law Regional Project, The Law Offices of Whit Griffinger, Legal Services for Children, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Immigration Legal Center, Pacific Juvenile Defender Center, and Youth Law Center.

We are proud to share that the work product resulting in the Homeless Youth Handbook - California is the culmination of thousands of pro bono volunteer hours contributed from upwards of 100 volunteers. 

Heather Arts Marianne Haines Alexis Piazza
Ajay Athavale Patrick Hernandez Brian Polley
Eric Biscopink Susan Jang Olivia Puerta
Brian Blalock Bianco Jimenez Aimee Rosien
Maria Bukiri Grace Ju Braden Schnarr
Alice Bussiere Naomi Kawaji Jasprett Singh
Aroosa Butt Ben Kelly Ji Seon Song
Cian Cardenas Yana Komsitsky Daria Spoloinaia
Paul Chappell Amanda Kottke Faith Stachulski
Ariane Choupo Paula Maria Larracas Steve Stratton
Smitha Danielyan Kristin Toretta Lee Richard Tanney
Lothar Determann Monique Liburd Michael Tedesco
Jason Dimopoulos Aliss Mansfield Andrea Tovar
Linnea Forsyth Juliana Marques Juliette Varciag
Adrianna Fuentes Matthew McCarthy Angela Vigil
Omar Galaria J. Brook Mestre Natasha Walker
Emily Garcia-Yow Erin Palacios Alexandra Will
Brandon Graves Rachael Palmisano Lauren Woolley
Whit Griffinger Jaclyn Pampel Mark Young
Adrienne Guy Pratiksha Patel Molly Zahne

Disclaimer: On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court eliminated the federal constitutional right to abortion.  The ruling leaves it to the individual states to decide whether to protect the right to an abortion.  The HYH has not yet been updated to address these recent developments.  We are working on updates.

The materials and content provided in this Handbook are for general information only and are not intended as legal advice. Although we strive to provide accurate and up to date legal information, we cannot promise it is error free or that it is suitable for your specific concerns. Therefore, you should contact an attorney to obtain legal advice for any issue specific to your situation. If you use the materials and information provided in this Handbook or links to the website, it does not create an attorney-client relationship between us or any providers of information you find in this Handbook or website, and we take no responsibility for any information linked to this Handbook or this website.  We are not advocating for or endorsing any reference, resource, provider, or the like referenced in this Handbook.

The materials and content are provided as-is with no warranty of any kind. We disclaim all express and implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose. Under no circumstances will we or our contributors be liable for any consequential, indirect, incidental, special or punitive damages or list profits, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, under any legal theory. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation and exclusions may not apply to you.

Law is generally described as of November 2018.